Here are some great safety tips to ensure you and your loved
ones enjoy ringing in the New Year:
If you plan on drinking, please make sure you
have a designated driver. Even if you have only had a couple drinks, it is never
a good idea to drive. Practice safety first!
If you will be attending a party or an event
where there will be a lot of people, never let your drink out of your sight.
You never know if someone will tamper with your drink so keep it in your sight
or in your hands at all times.
If you live in a city, then you most likely
cannot use fireworks due to safety issues and hazards. Why not leave the
fireworks to the professionals and go see a display put on in your local area?
Safety is always in numbers so whatever you
decide to do, make sure you are not alone. Staying in groups will ensure you
have a great evening!
If you have pets, bring them inside tonight
because fireworks can be very frightening for them.
And of course, remember to have fun! And if you
find yourself in an emergency, please do not hesitate to contact 9-1-1.