Did you know that most heat disorders occur when someone has spent too much time in the heat or has over-exercised in extreme temperatures? Those especially in danger of heat disorders include older adults, young children and those who might be sick or overweight.
By following these tips, you can ensure you and your loved ones are safe while out in the heat.
Preparation Before
Going Out into the Heat
It is always a great idea to have an emergency
kit and make a family communication plan. Visit ready.gov here for more information.
Have a good A/C System working in your home.
Cover windows that the morning or afternoon sun
comes through.
Stay aware of the temperature changes in your
Get trained in first aid so you are able to help
treat heat-related illnesses.
Tips While Outside in
the Heat
Never leave pets or children in hot vehicles!
Stay indoors as much as you can.
Limit your exposure in the sun.
Keep outside game and activities to a minimum or
after the sun goes down.
Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
Dress in loose-fitting and light-colored clothing.
Wear a hat to protect your face and eyes from
the sun.
Avoid strenuous activity.
If you have pets and they stay outside, check on
them frequently and make sure they have plenty of water and shade.