My name is Mariah, I work for the Woodland Park Police Department (WPPD), I have worked for WPPD for 7 months now.
2. I’m sure you hear a
lot of interesting stories when answering calls, but what is one story that
sticks out in your head that might have been scary, but turned out funny and/or
everything worked out after the call.
Recently I received a call from a mother, her child had
just started college and indulged in a handful of illegal narcotics. While
under the influence this party had come to believe that he was a vampire and
took a walk through the woods while carrying his laundry basket.
3. What do you think
people need to know about the people who answer the phones for 9-1-1?
We enjoy baked goods just has much as the Police Officers *wink
4. What do you enjoy
most about your job and why?
I enjoy how interesting and off-the-wall some days can be.
5. What do you think is
the hardest part about working your job and why?
I always want to do my absolute best and never make a
mistake, but I am unfortunately human, so, the hardest part for me is making a
6. Why do you think it
is important for people to have 9-1-1 as a resource for emergency help?
It’s a way to quickly and efficiently get someone the help
they need.
7. If you could share
one piece of advice with the world regarding 9-1-1, what would it be and why?
9-1-1 is for emergencies only. To ensure that true
emergencies are tended to as soon as possible call your local Police
Department’s, or Sheriff’s office administrative number for non-emergencies.
8. If you were talking
to kids graduating high school who were not sure what field that wanted to go
into, what would you tell them about your job and why it is such a fulfilling
and worthwhile job?
I chose my job because I have always known that I have
wanted to help people, I just wasn’t sure in which capacity. I knew being hands
on with a patient or victim (such as being a Nurse or Paramedic) wasn’t
something I wanted to do. I would tell those that are about to enter the
workforce to reflect on their strengths and find out what inspires them, make a
list of the jobs that match both criteria’s, and apply…apply everywhere.