Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year’s Eve Safety 2016

This Thursday evening, thousands of people will embark upon an evening filled with laughter and fun as they prepare to ring in the 2016 New Year. While we hope everyone enjoys their celebrations, we would like to take a moment to remind those of the dangers of over-drinking and other safety precautions.

Did you know in 2011 the Texas Legislature passed the 911 Lifeline Law that states that a person under 21 won’t be charged by the police for possessing or consuming alcohol if the person calls 911 because someone might have alcohol poisoning? This is especially important for teens to know. As scary as a situation can be when someone is unresponsive, it is still extremely important that you call 9-1-1 for help. Remember that everyone’s life matters and to always do the right thing. For more information on this law, please visit here: http://www.awareawakealive.org/.

Here are some other great safety tips to ensure you and your loved ones safely ring in the New Year:

·         If you plan on drinking, please make sure you have a designated driver. Even if you have only had a couple drinks, it is never a good idea to drive. Practice safety first!

·         If you will be attending a party or an event where there will be a lot of people, never let your drink out of your sight. You never know if someone will tamper with your drink so keep it in your sight or in your hands at all times.

·         If you live in a city, then you most likely cannot use fireworks due to safety issues and hazards. Why not leave the fireworks to the professionals and go see a display put on in your local area?

·         Safety is always in numbers so whatever you decide to do, make sure you are not alone. Staying in groups will ensure you have a great evening!

·         If you have pets, bring them inside tonight because fireworks can be very frightening for them.

·         And of course, remember to have fun! And if you find yourself in an emergency, please do not hesitate to contact 9-1-1.

See Carson's Story Below

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Practice Safety First Throughout the Holiday Season

It happens to be the most wonderful time of year! A time for giving, for remembering, and for truly cherishing your blessings. While this is a joyful time, it is also a time when predators prey on the unsuspecting. That’s why we want you to practice safety first!

Compiled below is a list of safety concerns that we hope you will take to heart. That way you can guarantee your holidays do not end negatively.

Holiday Shopping Safety

·         Keep all doors locked and windows closed when you are away from your vehicle. This will help prevent thieves from easy access to your valuables.

·         Never leave your car unoccupied while it is running. (And as a reminder, don’t leave children unattended in the car either for their safety too)

·         When leaving your vehicle, make sure all valuables are out of sight. If you have to leave something in your car, put it in the trunk.

·         Always remember to wear your seatbelt and practice cautious driving, especially if road conditions are bad.

·         Never drink and drive.

·         If you are involved in an accident, please do not hesitate to contact 9-1-1 for help.

Fire Safety

·         Keep candles, matches and lighters out of reach of children.

·         Never leave burning candles unattended.

·         Do not burn candles near flammable items.

·         Check and clean the chimney at least once a year.

Tree Safety

·         Decorate the tree with kids in mind; move ornaments that are breakable or have metal hooks toward the top of the tree.

·         Always use a proper step ladder when putting decorations up high.

·         When putting up lights, make sure there are no exposed wires, loose connections or broken sockets.

Poison Safety

·         Decorating the home with festive plants around this time of year is very popular. But some of these plants have berries that can be poisonous if enough are ingested. The most common are mistletoe berries, holly berries, poinsettias, and Jerusalem cherry.
Please keep these out of reach of children.

·         Did you know if you swallowed a button battery, it could potentially explode in your stomach? If swallowed and undetected, the batteries can do serious damage to the gastrointestinal system. Keep these batteries out of reach of children. And if a child does ingest it, call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 for immediate help.  

Travel Safety

·         Make sure all your doors and windows are locked in the home before leaving.

·         If you have an alarm, make sure to turn it on while you are out of town.

·         Have a neighbor or family member watch your house, pick up your mail and even park in your driveway periodically, if possible.

·         Leave a radio or television on so the house sounds occupied.

·         Make sure expensive items or gifts in your home are not visible through windows or doors.

·         If you have a Christmas tree, make sure it is placed in water or wet sand to keep it fresh.

Whether you travel this holiday season or stay at home, we hope you all have a safe and cheerful time. And remember, if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to call 9-1-1 for help.