Monday, October 6, 2014

It’s Fire Prevention Week!

October 5th through the 11th marks Fire Prevention Week. During this time, it is important to promote fire safety and prevention. Many times, fire hazards can go undetected. But if you follow these important tips in this blog, you will be well on your way to fireproofing your home!
What are some examples of fires that happen at home? Many times fires in the home are caused by candles left burning, cigarettes left burning, stoves left on and children playing with matches or lighters. But all of these incidences can be avoided with a little common sense and an effort to protect your home and family.

Fire Safety Checklist:

ü  Keep flammable items like bedding and curtains (including clothing too!) far from portable heaters or lit candles

ü  Install and check twice a year working smoke alarms throughout your home. Also make sure you change the battery at least once a year.

ü  Create an emergency escape plan in case of a fire. Designate escape routes and practice them with your family. It could save your life!

ü  Make sure each of your family members know how to Stop, Drop and Roll in the event that their clothing would catch fire.

ü  Don’t store old mattresses in the home or the garage.

ü  Don’t let children play with matches or lighters and let them know these are not toys. Matches and lighters, like medications and chemicals, should be stored high up and out of reach of curious children. J


In case of a fire, remember to always call 9-1-1 for help and know your location. It could save your life!

Want to test your knowledge and see if you are fire prevention ready? Click here:

NFPA Launches free App for Fire Prevention Week:  

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