Thursday, June 4, 2015

Practice Safe Living during June: It’s National Safety Month!

From the youngest of ages, we are taught “safety first!” There is a reason for this: Injuries are a leading cause of disability for people of all ages – and they are the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 to 44. While this might be the case, that doesn’t mean there are not measures you can put in place to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones.

Here are some safety issues that you can brush up knowledge on:

Emergency Preparedness
When it comes to emergency preparedness, you can never be too prepared. Planning ahead can keep you and your family safe when an emergency might strike. From natural disasters to terrorist attacks to blackouts, emergencies can be a scary. But the more prepared you are, the more calm you can be in dealing with these emergencies.

How can you be prepared?

·         Get or build an emergency supply kit. (
·         Make a family emergency plan and figure out where to meet during an emergency. (
·         Learn what to do in each type of emergency (

Much of today’s workforce spends a lot of time sitting throughout the work day because a lot of jobs are done on computers. While sitting at a desk all day might not sound hazardous to your health, it can be! Other jobs have potential hazards at work too which is why it is so important to practice good ergonomics (fitting a job to a person). This can help lessen muscle fatigue, increase productivity and prevent unwanted injuries.

Here are some basics for staying safe while working:

·         Lift items properly and safely
·         Take short breaks and stretch your muscles when doing strenuous work
·         Wear protective equipment
·         Get enough rest before work so that you are alert
·         Take steps to manage stress

For more information on ergonomics that fit your job, visit

Transportation Safety
We all know how important it is to wear your seatbelt. But it is also extremely important to not participate in distracted driving. How can we eliminate distracted driving? Keep your phone out of your hands and put away, and try not to eat or do any other type of activity while driving. Distracted driving is very dangerous- almost 1 in 5 crashes (that’s 17 percent!) where someone was injured involved distracted driving. So remember, when in the driver’s seat, focus on driving first and protect yourself and those around you.

Here are some additional tips from the National Safety Council:

  • Making sure every passenger buckles up every trip
  • Designating an alcohol and drug-free driver or arranging alternate transportation
  • Getting plenty of sleep and taking regular breaks to avoid fatigue on long trips
  • Never using a cell phone behind the wheel,
  • Staying engaged with your teens’ driving habits. An NSC survey found many parents are more inclined to loosen household driving rules during the summer.  
Slips, Trips, and Falls

It is important to always be aware of your surroundings. Did you know that one in three older adults falls each year? Many of those falls lead to health problems including broken bones. According to the CDC, in 2002 more than 12,800 people over the age of 65 died and 1.6 million were treated in the ER due to falls.
Common hazards in the home that are easily overlooked are usually the reason for these falls. With this checklist, you can learn out how to fix these hazards and prevent unnecessary falls:

Prescription Painkiller Abuse
Prescription painkiller abuse is a growing epidemic in the U.S. Here is a scary fact: About 18 women die every day from a prescription painkiller overdose. It’s time we change those statistics!

Learn how to use medicines safely with these helpful tips from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

Remember to focus on safety this month and you are sure to come out ahead! If you do ever find yourself in an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to contact 9-1-1 for immediate help.

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