Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Some Important 2019 Resolutions from Cell Phone Sally

A New Year means a new chance to be more prepared and aware. When it comes to knowledge of emergency services, you can never be too prepared. That’s why Cell Phone Sally has put some tips together to start and continue your 2019 off on the right path!

Tips for a Successful Safe and Healthy 2019:

·      Always Know Your Location. The easiest way to do this is to be aware of your surroundings. Look for street names, landmarks and anything else that might help a 9-1-1 operator find where you are during an emergency. Practicing awareness is key!

·     Teach Kids for to dial 911 from a cell phone. Most children don’t not know how to dial 911 in case an emergency happens. Make sure to teach them to push the 911 numbers and then the green send button. Or most smart phones now also have a button on the main screen that says emergency and children can use this to dial 911 by pushing the green button after pushing the numbers 911.  

·       Be prepared for any emergency. Do you have an emergency plan in place for your family? If you don’t, now is the time to make a plan. It could be a matter of life or death. Visit for all the ins and outs on disaster preparedness!

·       Be aware of unsafe products and recalls. Keep your family safe from potentially dangerous products. You can find out about unsafe products at this website:

·       Get Involved in Health and Wellness! It is important to keep your family healthy and a great website for ideas on staying fit is right here:

·       Know the number to Poison Control Services! Not sure if you can mix certain medications? Having an allergic reaction to something and not sure if you should go to the emergency room? Get bit by a spider and not sure if it is poisonous? All of these questions can get answered and more- fee of charge! So memorize this number and save it in your phone: 1-800-222-1222. Visit their website here for more info on poison control issues:

These are just a few tips to ensure your new year will be the best it can be! And as always, remember- if you are ever in an emergency and need help, please do not hesitate to dial 9-1-1!

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