Monday, December 3, 2012

How to Handle an Emergency Situation

Emergency situations happen every day and knowing how to react to these emergency situations is important and could potentially save lives. The most important thing to remember in any emergency situation is to stay calm and collected. People can tend to panic during scary situations, but this can only escalate an emergency situation. Follow these simple steps if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation:
  • If you are at home, work or school, it is always good to know where your emergency phone numbers and first aid kits are located.
  • Take deep breaths because your brain functions better with more oxygen.
  • Figure out your surroundings and what is needed of you or what you can do to help.
  • Dial 9-1-1 and get professional emergency medical help as soon as possible when someone is in danger, seriously hurt or injured.
  • Know what information (who, what and where you are) to provide to the 9-1-1 dispatcher. If you are unable to make the phone call, see if there is someone around you who can dial 9-1-1 for help
  • Make sure to listen to the 9-1-1 dispatcher on the phone and do not hang up. Follow their instructions and remember to remain calm.
  • Remain calm and wait for the police and emergency specialists to arrive. Remember that the emergency specialists know what they are doing so stay out of their way when they arrive.
By following these simple steps, emergency services can get to you and the emergency quicker. If there is ever an emergency around you or happening to you, never hesitate to call 9-1-1. 9-1-1 is here to help you and make sure you are safe and ok! 

Check out this site for what to do in specific emergency situations:

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